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Parsons Technology, Inc.
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MoneyCounts is developed by Parsons Technology, Inc.. The name of the program executable file is MCWIN.EXE. This particular product is not fit to be reviewed by our informers.

You can check Big Money, Easy Money, Money Planner and other related programs like Game for Money at the "download" section.

Comments (28)

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rating Tommy Strong
This was the best banking product I ever used. Quicken cratered in 2018. Wish someone would get back to basics and forget the Cloud. So many places W/O access to Wi-Fi.

Aug 13, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Barbara Hamman
I am using Money Counts 9.0 in a virtual machine, I am having date problems. I have used Money Counts for years. It is best accounting software that I have used and I have used many over the years. When a new year is used, it is not closing the old year and posting entries to Net Worth and showing a zero balance in the new year expense and income accounts. Help!

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Dan Shapiro
Barbara Hamman, Did this problem only begin with this year? Mine automatically always does it correctly as soon as I post the first transaction in the new year.

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Dan Shapiro, started a couple of years ago. It has not worked properly since it was installed in the virtual machine. I wish it worked properly. Could it be something with the virtual machine installation?

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J Favollutuxo
Barbara Hamman,
It is not closing into a new year because you have a transaction somewhere with a newer year, i.e. did you mistakenly post a transaction with a year in the future like 2026 for example when you meant to post it 2022? Search the registers for all the accounts the correct the entry back to where it should be.

Mar 15, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
There seems to be a lot of concern about continuing to use MoneyCounts on newer 64-bit operating systems.

I run MoneyCounts on Windows 10 and Windows 8.1, both 64-bit. My solution is to run a 32-bit OS as a virtual machine, using VMware Workstation Player. This is free from VMware.

The VMware Player "plays" the virtual machine (VM). The VM in this case will be a 32-bit OS (Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 98, 95, etc.). Take your pick. I use Windows 2000 because it's small and efficient. You could even use DOS with Windows 3.1. That is what MoneyCounts was originally developed to run on.

The VMware solution obviates keeping an old machine around, just to run your accounting system.

I have been doing this for a few years, now. No problems. Works great.

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